Today’s post is a continuation in my on-going effort to document all of the scripts I use to manage my environment. To date it has been a great exercise both in getting things written down and in getting feedback from others on better ways I could be doing things. To that end, here is a stored procedure that I use to tell if SQL Agent is running before trying to start a job programmatically.
The Script
This script opens with some trickery that I stole from Management Studio using Profiler. This is my new favorite way to determine if a server is a named instance and handle it accordingly. I will be going back to retrofit all of my scripts to use this method.
The next step is to declare a temporary table and pull in the results of xp_servicecontrol to be able to use them later. The xp_servicecontrol extended procedure is undocumented and unsupported but still seems like the best option in this case. Alternatives I have seen include using xp_cmdshell (NO!) or building a CLR stored procedure to call WMI and get this information.
Finally, the service status is selected into the output variable for programmatic use by a caller and the flag is checked to see if the service status should also be returned as a result set for debug reasons.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_dba_GetSqlAgentStatus] @display_results bit = 0, @service_state varchar(100) = null OUTPUT AS BEGIN DECLARE @agent_string nvarchar(256) IF (SERVERPROPERTY('INSTANCENAME') IS NOT NULL) SELECT @agent_string = @agent_string + N'SQLAgent$' + CONVERT (sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('INSTANCENAME')) ELSE SELECT @agent_string = @agent_string + N'SQLServerAgent' CREATE TABLE #service_state ( current_service_state varchar(50) ) INSERT INTO #service_state EXEC master.dbo.xp_servicecontrol 'QueryState', 'SQLServerAgent', @service_state OUTPUT SELECT @service_state = current_service_state FROM #service_state DROP TABLE #service_state IF @display_results = 1 SELECT @service_state AS current_service_state END GO |
As usual, I hope you find this script helpful. Please let me know if you run into any issues with it or know a better way to do the same thing. Please keep in mind that scripts from the internet are like Halloween candy, inspect before consumption. I offer no warranty beyond a sympathetic ear if you should run into any issues.